I am Database Consultant in UNODC (RoL Project)
28th October, 2021 EU Delegation along with Country Representative UNODC Mr. Jeremy Milson, Ms. Jouhaida Hanano (Criminal Justice Advisor) and Mr. Ghulam Ali (Programme Officer) visited the Director General Office of Levies Force to discuss mutual interest topics regarding the Rule of Law Roadmap. Mr. Qadir Baksh Pirkani (Director General, Levies ) briefed them on…
28th October 2021 EU delegation along with UNODC team visited the Rule of Law Delivery Unit (DU) at Home and Tribal Affairs Department Quetta to review overall Rule of Law performance and progress on the work modalities of the DU. The consultants at the DU introduced them selves and briefed regarding their role in the…
26th October 2021 EU Delegation with the UNODC Country Office team visited the office of Secretary Prosecution Dr. Umer Khan Babar and met with other officers of Prosecution Department. Secretary Prosecution welcomed them and gave them a presentation explaining the objectives of the Prosecution Service of Balochistan and then highlighted the events which led to…
EU Delegation along with the UNODC CoPak team held a courtesy meeting with Hon’ble Chief Justice and Hon’ble Judges High Court of Balochistan Quetta and also visited the IT/Data Section of the High Court of Balochistan. Mr. Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of Balochistan and senior members of the High Court of…
30th September 2021 A Training Needs Assessment (TNA) was conducted for Criminal Justice System, Institutions, and Individuals held at DU Rule of Law, headed by UNODC. Keeping in view the priority to capacitate and equip the human capital, further improving the provision of policing and justice services to the people of Balochistan. It was considered…
27th September 2021 UNODC CoPak team from Islamabad headed by Ms. Jouhaida Hanano (Criminal Justice Advisor) with Mr. Waqas shah (Program Coordinator) visited Rule of Law Delivery Unit with Mr. Ghulam Ali (Programe Officer, Rule of Law). The consultants briefed them upon their activities and the progress of achievements they Rule of Law Roadmap has…
11th September 2021 Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA) was conducted through meetings in the area of Juvenile Justice System (JJS) were held with all the stakeholders in Balochistan including Prosecution, Prison, Parole and Probation, and Judiciary Departments focal key persons with Ms. Hannah Tiefengraber. The background of this TANA derives from the development by UNODC’s…
28th July 2021 UNODC CoPak team along with UNODC Sub Office head Mr. Ghulam Ali had a meeting with IG prison regarding TNA trainings and future goals of the Rule of Law Roadmap. The meeting was head by United Nation Office of Drug and Crime team including Mr. Waqas shah (Criminal Justice Coordinator) and senior…
15th July 2021 A meeting was conducted with special Home Secretary Wali Mohammad Barriach with UNODC Mission headed by Mr. Waqas Shah and Mr. Ghulam Ali accompanied by Mr. Abdul Nasir Dotani, Lead Coordinator Delivery Unit, Rule of Law Roadmap. They discussed the Rule of Law implications and strategies within the Action Plan and way…
The Steering Committee on the Rule of Law (RoL) Roadmap Balochistan convened its fourth stock take meeting on 16 December 2020 in Quetta. The session concluded with a firm commitment made by Mr. Ziaullah Langove, Minister Home & Tribal Affairs, GoB towards advancing the criminal justice sector reforms envisioned under the Rule of Law roadmap…