MeetingsNews & Events
EU Delegation along with the UNODC CoPak team held a courtesy meeting with Hon’ble Chief Justice and Hon’ble Judges High Court of Balochistan Quetta and also visited the IT/Data Section of the High Court of Balochistan. Mr. Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of Balochistan and senior members of the High Court of Balochistan welcomed the delegation. The discussion was between them started with the IT/Data Section development by the High Court from its own resources comparing with other provinces. He explained the IT transformation initiatives taken so far and also the way forward. The Case Flow Management Information System for the District Courts was highlighted. Through this system case status, next hearing date, daily cause lists of cases which facilitates the litigants and lawyers can get information regarding the status of cases.
They talked about National Judicial Policy Making Committee’s decisions which included improving the capacity and performance of administration of justice, setting performance standards for judicial officers and other persons associated with performance of justice, improvement of service of judicial officers and court officers, ensure skilled and efficient judiciary. The training achievement of the Balochistan Judicial Academy was highlighted for the year 2021.
The prospects of Rule of Law Roadmap Balochistan were discussed regarding improving the quality of judicial training which included institutional development plan for judicial academy, targeted trainings on case/court management, judgment writing and gender trainings, impact assessment, need assessment tools templates developed, training calendars updated, published and disseminated, need based training for court staff. Lastly, the multidisciplinary area for intervention which included.
UNODC committed that they will work with judiciary for capacity building and legal reforms. Chief Justice said that capacity building in white color crimes is the foremost need of judiciary. He also said that for drug addicts we lack rehabilitation centers and that the reformation/rehabilitation of the addicts is very necessary as it is the addicts who create market. He said that he is likewise interested in the capacity building of Judges, Investigating Officers, and Prosecutors as well.  Mr. Justice Kamran Malakhail said that provision of equipment to the FSL to be established in Balochistan will also help in curbing heinous crimes.