EU-Funded Rule of Law Programme (2020-24)
UNODC in partnership with UN Women and UNDP is implementing a four-year project in collaboration with the Government of Balochistan and financial support from the EU on ‘Promoting the Rule of Law and Enhancing the Criminal Justice System in Balochistan’ that provides a unique advantage to the GoB to anchor prioritized reform areas under the RoL roadmap and bolster the established governance structure through the technical assistance of UNODC. The Project builds on the work undertaken by the UNODC under the Rule of Law roadmap and will complement other development partners’ work and activities to institute critical reforms.
British High Commission (2016-2021):
Since 2016 to March 2021, the Government of Pakistan has been supported by the British High Commission (BHC) in addressing the challenges of the justice sector in a comprehensive way and developed sector reform strategy for Balochistan, which is driven by the Rule of Law (RoL) roadmap – a flagship project of the Government of Balochistan that was approved on 28th May by the provincial Cabinet with the objective to implement reforms of the criminal justice sector based on establishing an effective governance structure and an evidence-based system.
US Mission to Pakistan’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) Section
UNODC is also implementing a project funded by INL in collaboration with the Government of Balochistan that focuses on enhancing the capacity of police and prosecution in Balochistan. A continuous process of capacity building has been carried forward to engage and sensitize Criminal Justice Institutions in modern tools of criminal justice such as Forensics, First Responders, Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), behavioral change, forensic investigation, etc. Special focus is also given to promoting police-prosecution cooperation in criminal cases.
COVID-response strategies
UNODC, in partnership with the Government of Balochistan, has implemented a comprehensive Virtual Advocacy Campaign (VAC) to advocate on criminal justice reforms to mitigate the risks posed by the pandemic e.g., related to Under-trial prisoners; gender-based violence, etc. A series of advocacy briefs and virtual webinars engage key stakeholders, bringing together national and international experts to inform policy debate. In addition to offset the risk of COVID-19 on police/levies and prisons a set of PPEs have been distributed amongst relevant Criminal Justice Institutions in Pakistan.
Ongoing support to enhance the capacity of Police and citizen engagement
UNODC is supporting the capacity enhancement to modernize the Police in Balochistan. Up until now, more than 4000 policemen, including women have been trained. The provision of technical and operational equipment has enhanced the capacity of the Police in forensics. A Forensic Science Lab has been upgraded with provision of eight purpose-built forensic evidence collection mobile vehicles along with the latest gadgets such as DNA collection kits, finger and palm scanners, first responder kits, computers, data drives, and digital data extractors.
Assessment on Juvenile Justice
Upon the request of the Government of Pakistan, UNODC has been conducting Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA) in the country, including a pilot study on the situation of children deprived of liberty, covering aspects relating to legislation, policy, institutional capacity and practices at the federal level and at the provincial level in Sindh and Balochistan. The Assessment will help to identify strategic programme opportunities, potential partners and areas of technical assistance for UNODC to support ongoing juvenile justice reform efforts in Pakistan and develop a set of recommendations to support the Government of Pakistan in the areas of juvenile justice.

and uphold the supremacy of law
and order and internal Security
protecting the rights of the citizens

has successfully continued to function
over a century.

criminal justice system. An independent
prosecution is comparatively