11th September 2021

Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA) was conducted through meetings in the area of Juvenile Justice System (JJS) were held with all the stakeholders in Balochistan including Prosecution, Prison,  Parole and Probation, and Judiciary Departments focal key persons with Ms. Hannah Tiefengraber. The background of this TANA derives from the development by UNODC’s Global Programme on to End Violence against Children . The overall objective of the Programme is to ensure that children are better protected from violence that may occur from their contact with the justice system. The Programme supports Member States in ensuring that children alleged as, accused of or recognized as having infringed the penal law, particularly those who are deprived of their liberty, as well as, child victims and witnesses of crime, are treated in a manner that observes their rights and respects their dignity in accordance with applicable international law, in particular according to the obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and relevant United Nations standards and norms.