Featured Publications

The Rule of Law Roadmap

The Rule of Law Roadmap represents strategic priority of the Government of Balochistan to introduce inclusive, sustainable, and meaningful reforms in Balochistan Criminal Justice Sectors

Baseline 2019/20 – Criminal Justice System

In 2020, a baseline survey for the Rule of Law Roadmap of Balochistan of the Government of Balochistan in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was conducted. The baseline is a first measure which documents the past performance and the status quo of the institutions of the CJS.

Prisons and Pandemic – Inaction is not an option

Balochistan stands out as the only province not facing an acuteproblem of overall overcrowding but there are specific cases where the problem of overcrowding exists, posing a grave risk of disease outbreak. This policy brief looks at a mix of policy, legal/judicial and other institutional measures can go a long way in addressing the challenge of potential outbreak of COVID-19 in Balochistan prisons.

Police and COVID-19

The police are one of the most essential public service providers in the wake of COVID-19. This policy brief provides critical information to help the police understand dynamics of the current pandemic, how the virus impacts the job and poses specific risks to the police. The brief also provides guidelines on how the police can adapt to and manage the pandemic.

Citizen Perception Survey

On the performance of criminal justice institutions in Balochistan, Pakistan in 2020.

Links to external resources

– Directory of leading organizations advancing the rule of law worldwide

– WJP Rule of Law Index