Capacity BuildingNews & Events

The UNODC office Islamabad has conducted one day three training workshop for the staff of Delivery Units and members of the Technical Working Groups of Balochistan and Sindh. The workshop held on “Quality Assurance” keeping in view the data collection from the focused line departments.

On 18thand 19thDecember 2019 one day workshop held with the Delivery Unit staff and members of the Technical Working Groups of Balochistan and Sindh provinces. The topic of the workshop was Quality Assurance of the Rule of Law Balochistan and Sindh.

Mr.Hayder Yahya delivered comprehensive presentations on the role of Delivery Units, regarding the its functions, Objectives, RoL roadmap key features, critical areas of focus. He briefed the mechanisms of coordination and communication thoroughly. Furthermore, a comprehensive orientation and guidance was given to participants to make them understand that how the project activities will be implemented and what is the function of the Delivery Units.

Besides, this Mr. Yahya explained the complete process, flow of the Rule of Law activities, and coordination with stakeholders. Additionally, he elaborated the responsibilities of Delivery Unit, its procedures and a problem solving mechanism. The participants were divided into four groups and assigned group work according to the focused departments / areas such as parole, probation, prosecution, police, levies, judiciary, and role of communication for Delivery Unit.

On the 3rd day (20th December 2019) a joint session of Delivery unit staff and Technical Working Group members of Sindh and Balochistan held. The focus of presentation was on stakeholders’ engagement and gap analysis.

Mr. Hayder Yahya, delivered a thorough presentation two the staff and TWG members of Sindh and Balochistan RoL Roadmap program.

He gave comprehensive presentation on the following topics

  • Developing & building stake holders’ ownership.
  • Methods for engagement of stakeholders.
  • Stakeholders’ engagement benefits.
  • Gap analysis & problem identification.
  • Benefits & challenges of gap analysis.
  • How to perform gap analysis.

The participants of Balochistan and Sindh Delivery unit and TWG members who were representing the parole, probation, prosecution, judiciary, police, levies respectively.The participants raised various question for further understanding of stakeholder’s engagement and gap analysis.

In the second half of the session the groups which were assigned various topics have delivered presentation. The each group explained the process and the gaps of their respective departments, and suggested possible solutions. The workshop ended with a vote of thanks delivered by the UNODC’s program Manager Balochistan Mr. Ghulam Ali.

At the end the participants were awarded participation certificates.