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Quetta, 24 October 2018 – UNODC inaugurated its first Sub-Office in Pakistan on UN Day (24 October 2018) in Quetta, Balochistan. The newly recruited UNODC Quetta office will provide strategic and programme support to the Government of Balochistan. The opening of this first UNODC office out of Islamabad is also a strong institutional statement reflecting years of intensive and fruitful work in Balochistan, in close partnership with the provincial government.

UNODC Quetta’s principal role will be support to the Government of Balochistan in implementing reforms pronounced in the RoL Roadmap. Together with the provincial authorities, the UNODC Sub- Office will recruit advisors and coordinators to provide solid and comprehensive expertise in every component of the Criminal Justice reforms. After helping the authorities kick-start the first series of measures, these professionals will be integrated into the Government of Balochistan workforce. They will then drive and guide the reforms internally, proceeding to give the Government of Balochistan full ownership of the project. From the Police Department to the Home Secretary and the Judiciary, all stakeholders have reaffirmed their commitment to carrying out the reform plan, assisted by the UNODC Quetta office.

Balochistan is a crucial province for UNODC. The region presents numerous challenges: from the extensive border with Afghanistan to an overburdened justice system. UNODC has been supporting the Government of Balochistan for many years by providing direct support to its investigation services, improving police-prosecution cooperation, and sensitizing local police and communities to human trafficking and migrant smuggling. The newly inaugurated UNODC Quetta office is testimony of this fruitful partnership with the local government; and a promising platform for further cooperation towards achievement of the 16 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets, and thus the building of a just and secure Balochistan.

The launch of the UNODC Quetta Sub-Office was chaired by Mr. Cesar Guedes, UNODC Representative in Pakistan, on the occasion of the 73 rd United Nations Day. UNODC’s Sub-Programme 2 and Communication teams participated in the event; along with colleagues from the local UN Women, UNDP, FAO, WFP, and UNDSS offices. Six countries and four continents were represented by nationals from Austria, Canada, Burkina Faso, France, Pakistan, and Peru.