Capacity BuildingNews & Events

The United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime (UNODC) under the Rule of Law roadmap program Balochistan has arranged a two-day workshop at Islamabad for the Technical Working Group (TWGs) members and Delivery Unit (DU) Balochistan staff.

The workshop was conducted to enhance the capacity of the TWG members and DU staff in terms of, Coordination, Mapping Interviews of the stakeholders. Besides this, the training focused on Data Collection, Data Analysis & Stocktaking of Data for DU Staff and TWG Members of Rule of Law roadmap program Balochistan.

Ms. Sarah Holz and Mr. Sajid Qaisrani UNODC consultants facilitated the workshop. Ms. Sarah discussed the data collection from stakeholders and the development of data collection tools. While Mr. Sajad Qaisrani discussed and reviewed the data colocation tools currently being used by the stakeholders for gathering information from the district level.

Mr. Qaisrani discussed the current processes of the stakeholders of Rule of Law program Balochistan, their ways of triangulation of data, on how it’s collected, communicated and compiled.

On 2nd day of training, sessions held on understanding of the current data collection formats of the stakeholders being used at the district level for data collection and onward submission to the respective provincial offices. The facilitators told that the data collection formats may be aligned with the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the respective department so the required data can be collected accordingly.

A brief session followed by a group work was conducted to make participants understand how the data will be collected, what data collection process and methodology, data cycle and mechanism could be derived and adopted by the stakeholders.

The last but the most important session held on the “indicator framework and mapping” M.s Sarah had a discussion with every individual advisor and TWG member of Judiciary, Prosecution, Police, Levies, Social Welfare Department, Prison and Parole and Probation.

This session was to assess the data collection capacity of the entire stakeholder to identify gaps analysis, bottlenecks & priority areas where information could be collected and used in the KPI and the institution.

During the meeting, it was decided that Ms. Sarah will design formats and further she will share it with DU Balochistan that could be reviewed by the TWG members by the next week. The feedback and suggestions received by the TWGs members will be incorporated accordingly.

Earlier Mr. Abdul Nasir Dotani, Team Lead Delivery Unit Balochistan welcomed all the participants and expressed hope that the training will equip the DU and TWGs members with proper skills which will lead accurate and transparent data collection for the dashboard of Rule of Law program Balochistan website.