Capacity BuildingNews & Events

Recently the DU RoL Roadmap Balochistan has conducted various training for Police and Prosecution departments. 

UNODC under RoL Roadmap for Balochistan arranged two days training for Police Officers of Balochistan on “ Development and Registration of FIRs” at Quetta. 25 Station House Officers of the Police department attended the training.

Another 2-day training was held under the RoL Roadmap for Balochistan for Police Officers and Prosecutors of Balochistan on “Their Duties of Gate Keeping” at Quetta. 20 participants from Police and prosecution of Balochistan attended the training.

A 3-days training for Police Officers and Prosecutors of Balochistan was held on “Collection of forensic evidence, its use, and relevance as ad missive evidence for conviction” at Quetta. 24 participants from Police and prosecution of Balochistan attended the training.