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UNODC in collaboration with the Government of Balochistan is conducting a seminar on ‘Improving the Coordination and Cooperation between Investigation Officers and Prosecutors of Balochistan’ in Quetta. The Chief Guests include Mr. Justice Aijaz Swati of Balochistan High Court, Mr. Abdul Khaliq Shaikh, Inspector General of Police Balochistan, Mr. Qadir Qayum, Additional Inspector General of Police Balochistan, Mr. Sajid Khan Tareen, Prosecutor General Balochistan, Registrar of Balochistan High Court and DIG Headquarters. Police investigators and prosecutors from across Balochistan attended the seminar.

The seminar aims to assess the capacity of government institutions on policy, administrative and operational levels with reference to police prosecutors cooperation through a consultative process. Overall 90 participants including 4 women attended the seminar for this critical strategic dialogue. The MoU between Inspector General of Police Balochistan and Prosecutor General Balochistan was signed to improve cooperation between the two institutions.

This seminar is a result of deliberations and consultations between police and prosecution of Balochistan with technical support being provided by UNODC. This intervention is funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL).